2020 Blueberry Season has officially closed!

This season was one for the books!! As we began our commercial harvest, the horrid Covid19 surfaced as a pandemic causing us all to wonder what was next! We managed to get through commerical harvest while offering a prepicked option to the public which was received with overwhelming enthusiasm! As the virus began to run it’s course and we all took precautions by social distancing, wearing masks and just being aware in general of washing our hands, etc., we were able to have a final day of U-pick!

I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for the virus to be over and for 2021 harvest to be back to normal.

Thank you all for coming out and supporting our farm. Small ag is definitely having a tough time these days, so we appreciate your support more than we can say. Please buy American Grown and keep family farms in operation.

Until next season, we’ll see you in the fields…….

Lyna and Susan

Lyna Knight